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Making the Transition Back to Reality

11 Aug

Home from two weeks at the cottage. Plenty of happy times with family and friends, no cell phone, newspapers, texts, e-mail, TV or blogs! We played lots of games — Scrabble, Turkey Foot, Pictionary, Scattegories, Euchre and Rummoli. Not as much swimming as other years nor books read. More frequent and longer happy hours, however. I have (finally) discovered the joys of Vodka & Tonic & Lime.

Which is a good thing given the state of my pot of mint . . .

My parched "Mojito Meadow" . . . can you hear my sobs?

My parched “Mojito Meadow” . . . can you hear my sobs?

The rude awaking at home . . . dried out flowers and herbs, empty larder, piles of laundry, dust bunnies, 55 items in my junk mail folder.

And continued sad news of Syria, natural disasters, preventable deaths and — from a fellow blogger in the UK — another teen suicide because of cyber-bullying. Please take a moment to read Crazy Train to Tinky Town’s insightful comments and consider how it might be within your power to eradicate these problems or their consequences.

Earwig-ravaged basil and parsley.

Earwig-ravaged basil and parsley.

Will spend this evening flipping through new issues of Canadian Living, Chatelaine, et al to plan menus for the week ahead. Will also scout out the farmers’ markets later in the week. Will report back on the local bounty. Hoping for peaches and tomatoes, peppers and spinach.

What’s growing in your garden or area? What are you preparing with the fresh produce?

Hungry? Single? Think you deserve/need delicious, healthy dining?

21 Aug

Well you have found the right blog for you. Almost!

I am getting my ducks in a row here (and into the oven!) at the *NEW* Savvy Single Suppers Blog. Bear with me while I get the site constructed to my liking and work out my start-up bugs. Please check back early in September 2012.

I have been amassing some content over the summer, so I should be able to start with a big splash. Thanks for your patience.
